Friday, July 3, 2009

Putting learnings into practice

I totally fell in love with John Kehoe's book and I'm putting my learnings into practice.

I am currently back in my hometown, nursing my mom. She had a fall and her left arm is in a cast. Next week, she is scheduled for surgery.

My business in KL is ongoing. With the sudden news, I had to as much and as quickly as possible, settle my things in KL before going back hometown. Thus, was a little franzied when I had to get these done ASAP.

I figured this is the best time to practise John Kehoe's teachings. I affirmed to myself these
- I am calm and relaxed (at the same time, I took deep breaths)

After a few practices, now I am much better. I affirm these daily.

The mind is indeed a powerful mechanism.

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