Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's all in the mind

I just finished reading this book by John Kehoe (the zen master of T. Harv Eker). He wrote a book called 'Mind Power'.

I rate this book 10/10. Why? The gist is very similar to the book, The Secret (which has sold millions of books worldwide) But, I wouldnt give 'The Secret' a rating 10/10.

Personally, I find 'The Secret' too surface. It talks about Law of Attraction all the time. But it's just that.

'Mind Power' on the other hand talks about Law of Attraction among others. I like the way John Kehoe puts things in a very simple to understand language.

What I like most of the book is, we can program the subconscious mind to believe in whatever we want it to - by doing affirmations and having faith.

A must read for those who want greater things in life.

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