Wednesday, July 29, 2009

yup, still on The World Is Flat

I think I'm taking forever to finish this book.

I have just read the part where how India and China will be the next powerhouse. Why? Because of the liberation of political and economic policies. People there are just hungry to want more and those who dont move along, will be left behind.

As I read the book, I'm continually amazed at how the world is changing at lightning speed. Soon, those who dont change along, will be extinct.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

still on Thomas Friedman

i have been super busy, thus squeezing time to read The World is Flat only before bedtime.

but honestly, the book is really good. Friedman has very engaging style and simple to read. Not like the normal business writing.

just read the chapter on how Wal Mart managed to be the biggest retailer in the world. i was very impressed with it. especially they have up-to-the-minute information on each of their thousands and thousands of products....amazing!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fine print

I really enjoy reading Thomas Friedman's book.

The only set back is the print is so SMALL!

Hmm...why cant the publisher print bigger fonts? Making me squint my eyes....bigger fonts make reading more pleasurable....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Google Story

I am currently reading 3 books at the same time - The World is Flat, How to Earn Massive Passive Income in Your Pajamas and The Google Story.

This posting will be about The Google Story.

Everyone knows about Google. In fact, it has entered into the English dictionary. When someone wants to search for something, it is a known fact to hear 'just google it'. cause search=google.

It's just amazing how the Google boys, Larry and Sergey started Google. It all started with a vision. A vision to put the world wide web into a pc. And they have such strong determination and love what they are doing.

And the work culture at Google is like a campus. Fun and condusive to learning and experimenting. Isnt that what life is all about? Living life to the fullest?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's a flat, flat world indeed

A friend recently lent a book, "The World Is Flat" to me. This book has been on the best seller list for eons, but it just didnt catch my attention. Probably, I was being judgemental by thinking that it's overhyped.

Since my friend has offered the book to me to read, I took up the offer, just to satisfy my curiosity. Indeed, it's quite a good read. I expected it to be like a typical business book - mundane and factual.

Thomas Friedman, the author of the book, has quite an engaging style actually. I like his style.

I am just into the 2nd chapter, but I already find the book interesting. What is the book basically about?

It's about how innovation and technology have totally changed the word globalization. It's no longer uncommon for an end product to have travelled across the world, from start to finish, in the name of costing.

Also, through technology, the lay person has a chance to be on the same platform as the big boys. It used to only be that the big boys have a chance to establish presence in the market place (due to their market capitalization). Now, with technology, as long as you have a good idea, venture capitalists want to hear from you.

Will write more as I journey through the book

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Auto suggestion

I consider myself a morning person, but not as early as some folks who wake up at 430am to start the day!

During the weekends, I normally meet up with friends to exercise together. Thus, have to wake up at 615am (this is early to me!)

Last night, before I went to sleep, I told my subconscious mind:

"I am sleeping now, and I will wake up at 615am" (and yes, I set the alarm clock just in case!)

Lo and behold, my eyes opened at 610am.

Yes, auto suggestion, as suggested by many gurus, including John Kehoe, works!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Putting learnings into practice

I totally fell in love with John Kehoe's book and I'm putting my learnings into practice.

I am currently back in my hometown, nursing my mom. She had a fall and her left arm is in a cast. Next week, she is scheduled for surgery.

My business in KL is ongoing. With the sudden news, I had to as much and as quickly as possible, settle my things in KL before going back hometown. Thus, was a little franzied when I had to get these done ASAP.

I figured this is the best time to practise John Kehoe's teachings. I affirmed to myself these
- I am calm and relaxed (at the same time, I took deep breaths)

After a few practices, now I am much better. I affirm these daily.

The mind is indeed a powerful mechanism.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's all in the mind

I just finished reading this book by John Kehoe (the zen master of T. Harv Eker). He wrote a book called 'Mind Power'.

I rate this book 10/10. Why? The gist is very similar to the book, The Secret (which has sold millions of books worldwide) But, I wouldnt give 'The Secret' a rating 10/10.

Personally, I find 'The Secret' too surface. It talks about Law of Attraction all the time. But it's just that.

'Mind Power' on the other hand talks about Law of Attraction among others. I like the way John Kehoe puts things in a very simple to understand language.

What I like most of the book is, we can program the subconscious mind to believe in whatever we want it to - by doing affirmations and having faith.

A must read for those who want greater things in life.