Saturday, October 17, 2009

Think and Grow Rich - Chapter 1

I finally took up the challenge to read this very famous book by the 'King Maker of Millionaires' ie Napoleon Hill.

I knew that this book has been around for a long time. I tried to read this book years ago. Found it too dry.

Thought that I can console myself by listening to the audio. Sorry, doesnt work that way. Somehow, books and audio have a different impact.

It was only when a multi-millionaire, whom I sought advice from, advised me to treat this book like a bible, that I vowed to read this book and understand it.

Thus, bought the book and have read until Chapter 2.

Chapter 1 talked about having a Definite Major Purpose in life - ie know what you want in life. And know what you want so badly that nothing will stop your path. In this chapter, Dr Hill gave a few examples of successful men and women who knew exactly what they wanted and went for it.

Will continue with Chapter 2 when I'm done with it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Finally finished reading 'The World is Flat'

I finally finished reading the book. The book is very interesting, just that I didnt have time to finish it at one go.

In all honesty, the book really opened up my eyes and mind about what a powerhouse India will be. And where will the world lead to eventually.

With this, I urged myself to buy my website (something that I have been deliberating for the past 2 years!) So today, bought one - What made me eventually take action? Cos from the book, I know that if I dont ride along the IT wave, I will be left behind.

And that regret will weigh tonnes for me.

Anyway, that was digression. After reading 'The World Is Flat', read a few other books. One was a tribute to Zig Ziglar. Another was a nonfiction, 'Slave', about a girl in Sudan who was sold to an Arab woman (read it with horror and outrage)

Read a few other books, but nothing major worth mentioning.