Thursday, March 4, 2010

Robin Sharma

Although I have seen Robin Sharma's book 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari' many times at the book store, somehow I wasnt compelled to buy it or read it. Only recently, a few weeks ago, I read it. Perhaps had I read it years ago, I would have been 'wow'ed. This time round, after attending so many seminars and reading so many books, the book was just so-so.

At the library the other day, I saw Robin's new book 'Greatness Guide 2'. Since it was the LIBRARY, borrowed it.

A simple and easy to read book, detailing some principles of Robin's daily life. One of the principles that caught my attention and I'm fully trying to internalize it is 'JBN - Just Be Nice'. Sometimes, it's just so easy to be normal to people, especially when the day didnt go well. Now, I will make it a point to be extra nice to everyone around me, even on a bad day.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Richard Branson - Business Stripped Bare

I have always been curious about this British business tycoon. His zest for life and his life principles.

I had the good fortune when my business partner lent his book to me.

It was a good read. Richard's favourite phrase is - 'Screw it, let's do it'. Too many atimes, people think too much before acting onto something, ie paralysis by analysis.

I like the way that Richard is honest, almost about everything. The business mistakes he made and of course, he shared his thoughts of certain business ethics. It's also good to know that he is one of the many tycoons who are committed to making and ensuring that the Earth stays green and liveable for many generations to come.

The only set back about this book - the font is a little too small :(

Monday, January 25, 2010

The NLP Guru - Anthony Robbins

I have always wanted to read Anthony Robbins books. Heard so much about him. He is THE NLP guru. I only have the thinnest book he has ever written - "Lessons from a Friend".

Last Christmas, I got an Anthony Robbins book as a gift - Unleash the Power Within.

All I can say is WOW. He is really good. Whenever you need to achieve peak performance, just need to get into the state. And to get into the state, need to have an anchor, a particular moment of past achievements.

Perhaps will attend his seminar this year?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Confucius from the Heart - Yu Dan

In all honesty, as a Chinese, I have heard lots on Confucius. All I know is, he was a very wise man who lived during ancient times.
I kept procrastinating reading his books, as I find them too 'deep'
A few days ago, I picked up this book, and browsed through it. Doesnt look that bad. And indeed it wasnt too bad.
Finished it in a few hours. Thank Goodness, the author interpreted most of Confucius works and makes 'reading-between-the-lines' simplified.
What I learnt from this book
- conquer yourself first (meaning, find inner peace), then conquer the world
- nothing has meaning to it, until you attach meaning to it
- dont be attached to anything. nothing is permanent
- there are friends for different seasons of life