Thursday, March 4, 2010

Robin Sharma

Although I have seen Robin Sharma's book 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari' many times at the book store, somehow I wasnt compelled to buy it or read it. Only recently, a few weeks ago, I read it. Perhaps had I read it years ago, I would have been 'wow'ed. This time round, after attending so many seminars and reading so many books, the book was just so-so.

At the library the other day, I saw Robin's new book 'Greatness Guide 2'. Since it was the LIBRARY, borrowed it.

A simple and easy to read book, detailing some principles of Robin's daily life. One of the principles that caught my attention and I'm fully trying to internalize it is 'JBN - Just Be Nice'. Sometimes, it's just so easy to be normal to people, especially when the day didnt go well. Now, I will make it a point to be extra nice to everyone around me, even on a bad day.