Monday, June 29, 2009

Reading and writing

I have been told again and again that always pursue your love, so that your passion for it will never burn out.

One of my many loves is reading and writing.

Thus, this is what my blog will be about - the books that I am currently reading and my review of them.

My genre of books are mainly motivational, investment and the occasional chick lit.

Just finished reading this book - Phyllis George - Never Say Never

Phyllis is an entrepreneur and used to be with the radio and television industry in US. It is really amazing to read what she has been through and how she overcame her obstacles.

Back when she started her career in the television industry, a lady anchor of the sports channel was unheard of. And yes, you guessed it right. She broke the norm and the people loved her! And thanks to her, females in the sports television industry is now every acceptable.

Then, she went on to venture into food and beverage business, among the other businesses. It is actually amazing how much she accomplished in such a short span of time!

How I rate this book on a scale of 1 to 10? I would give it a 7.5. In my personal opinion, a 10/10 book will be a book that once I start reading, I cant put it down until I'm done.

Massive actions

I have always been told or have always read that once you learnt something, PUT it to action.

So, I am applying what I have learnt and promised myself.

- To create a blog and make Google Adsense work.